Welcome back to Daniel T. DeBaun
Engineer, Author, DefenderShield Co-Founder & CEO
Daniel is an internationally recognized and influential expert in shielding electronic emissions and Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF) protection, with a particular focus on the effect of exposure from mobile devices such as laptops, tablets and cell phones. Daniel’s concern regarding the health impact of electronic radiation emissions grew from over 30 years of engineering experience in the telecommunications industry, where he held a variety of leadership and executive positions at SAIC, Telcordia, AT&T and Bell Labs.
And join us for our ‘Age Gracefully Month!’ My birthday month, NOVEMBER!
You have to follow me on Instagram – healthygutgirl_ to join us
but it’ll be worth it, the prizes are NUTS and all related to Agin Gracefully.
You can also use healthygutgirl20 and get a great discount on products to help you shield your important parts from EMF’s