PHOTO:Incredible film about shocking statistics regarding pharmaceutical medications and the addictions to “legal” drugs.
First of all I have absolutely nothing against medical doctors in fact I am the first person as a nutritional practitioner to recommend medical attention to my clients for most matters. But I would like to share with people that are not aware of this information, something that always shocks me every time I hear it. This is for people who put their unrelenting trust into a medical doctors hands in regards to medications, including everything from antibiotics to psychotropic and mood stabilizing drugs and even the latest in outpatient procedures.
In 2015 Forbes magazine reported that the FDA approved 45 prescription drugs to be released onto the market. This is certainly more than usual but not far off the mark. Do you think that medical doctors go to weekend seminars on a regular basis to get updated on all of these particular drugs to get educated on their doses, reactions, research, findings, side effects by scientists and experts from the pharmaceutical industry that created the drug? Wouldn’t that be nice? But no, they do not. In fact the majority of medical doctors get educated by pharmaceutical reps who’s main goal is sales. Several years ago I wondered what it takes to be a pharmaceutical rep, why wouldn’t these reps just be in practice for themselves or work at a pharmacy, it seems more lucrative. Well that is because they are not doctors nor are they pharmacists nor are they scientists or biochemists. In fact here is what is required of a pharmaceutical rep, the exact person who educates your doctor on the very drugs you are taking. *side note; I have nothing against pharma reps, they are just doing a job.
4 different internet job recruitment sites posted as their job description;
Pharmaceutical sales representatives educate physicians and other medication-prescribing professionals on new developments in the rapidly advancing pharmaceutical industry. These professionals connect providers with the knowledge, drugs and treatments they need to provide cutting-edge care to their patients. They also work to educate physicians, pharmacists, health care facilities and consumers about new pharmaceutical products.
There are no specific educational requirements to become a pharmaceutical sales representative.
Now I”m not saying they aren’t educated, I’m sure big pharma would prefer a person with a college degree in biology over a struggling actor or beauty school drop out, but with 45 drugs on the market each year, they can’t afford to be too picky. They’ve got drugs to sell.
Don’t hesitate to do your own research on any drug you are prescribed, ask questions, get second opinions. Your life depends on it.