When most people hear the words “Castor Oil”, it brings to mind grandmas’ remedy for constipation. A 2011 study in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, did show that it had a positive effect on people suffering from constipation, but how the castor oil accomplishes this is unknown. Common sense tells me that it lubes up your colon and makes the environment a little more slippy! There have also been many studies showing that topical castor oil in the form of a pack are most commonly used for these reasons;
- Pain
- Inflammation
- Swelling
- Gas and bloating
- Constipation
- Detoxification
- Fibrocystic breasts
- Skin tonification
Some effects that are becoming more commonly mentioned these days and the effects that I count on when using castor packs are;
- Skin care
- Hair care (it’s making my eyelashes grow!!!!!)
- Encouraging liver/gallbladder support and detoxification
- Encouraging kidney support and detoxification
- Exogenously removing toxins from toxic assaults like vaccinations, tattoos, scar tissue, old surgery sites and even concussions
Castor packs are gentle and can be used on children and even infants. It is a sure ‘go to’ for me when working with vaccine injured children and special needs children with multiple surgery sites and high toxic burdens.
Something beautiful that I learned from a mentor, high quality castor oil has a high vibration like rose water, it is gently powerful and should never be overlooked as a healing remedy.
And one special fact, castor oil comes from the plant Ricinus communis (castor bean), the plant itself is quite toxic to humans, the oil from the bean, magical! Who was the brave soul who figured that out? I’d like to shake her hand. 😉
Check out Premier Research Labs extremely pure castor oil and organic cotton flannels and my favorite mini infrared heating pad. Click here to set up your own PRL account for free. https://healthygutgirl.com/recommended-products/
Coming soon, Healthy Gut Girl’s Detox It Program! A comprehensive guide to help encourage safe detoxification in all your major detox organs. Multiple methods of safe and effective detoxification, like castor packs and liver flushes to name a few, whenever you’re in need! STAY TUNED!