Progesterone and progesterone receptors in breast cancer: past, present, future
So much good research regarding micronized progesterone actually helping to cure and heal PR+ and ER+ breast cancer. It’s been thought for many years the opposite was true! Why? Because they never discerned the difference between progestins and progesterone IMO!! Of...
What mineral is aging you fast?
Iron! What do hormone imbalance, hair thinning and shedding, accelerated aging and dementia all have in common? Iron! While everyone is debating how much vitamin d and zinc to take, researchers are marching on and finding deeper root causes for the above-mentioned...
A Basic Guide to Eating for Your Gut
It's no exaggeration to say that the gut is at the center of your health. It's where you're able to digest and absorb all of the important vitamins and minerals that make body functions possible. Your digestive system is also one of your best defenses against...
Sleep Hygiene
"Beauty Rest" is certainly a coveted thing as we age. Who doesn't long for the days when 'nap time' was part of the daily routine? The more rested we are the better we tend to look, however, getting a full nights rest is so much more profound than just beauty. And...
Could the hidden toxins in your beauty routine be causing hormone imbalance?
In the name of anti-aging, we wear make-up, dye our hair, lather up with wrinkle creams, inject fillers, deaden nerves in our face and even cut off excess skin, all of which actually accelerates aging. Now that's ironic. Many of you have taken this quarantine as a...
The effects of chronic low grade stress and how to protect yourself
Nobody would've believed you 6 months ago if you told them what we were about to experience in 2020! I certainly couldn't have guessed. It's the plot of an epic Hollywood disaster movie that went straight to dvd. Sadly this one doesn't seem to be ending. The amount of...
Are you a stressed mess? Do you have adrenal fatigue? How could you, when doctors don’t even think AF is a real thing?
This blog inspired by JIGSAW HEALTH These days everyone has heard of adrenal fatigue, but you'd be shocked to know that adrenal fatigue is not an actual medical diagnosis. Adrenal fatigue is associated with; chronic fatigue lethargy panic and anxiety attacks...
Castor Oil Packs: An Easy Nightly Routine to Conquer Constipation, By Dr. Marisol
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]There is literally nothing worse than the tense, distressful, uncomfortable feeling of having to go poo, but you sit there and nothing happens. You feel like you are trying to push Godzilla out of the eye of a needle. The most...
Taking nutrients in isolation can be wasting your money.
I get asked this a lot, why don’t I like to isolate nutrients when I supplement. There are two reasons: 1. Studies show that most Americans are nutritionally deficient in almost EVERY nutrient! Most of us don’t eat enough and if we do our food is simply not...
Can eating organ meats improve the function of those organs in you?
Our modern diets are a shadow of our ancestors.There is a long list of nutrient dense foods that no longer exist in our diets and have been replaced with foods devoid of real nutrition. One of those true super foods was organ meats. And every culture across the globe...
Do your microbes make decisions for you?
The science is in! 99% + of all metabolic function in the body is coded for BY MICROBES!!! You have 150x more microbial DNA than human DNA. That means you aren’t your genes!!! You aren’t a victim to your genetic predispositions. Read that one more time. That means...
Could a weak pelvic floor be caused by hormone imbalance?
“Many factors can weaken your pelvic floor muscles, including pregnancy, childbirth, surgery, aging, excessive straining from constipation or chronic coughing, and being overweight. You might benefit from doing Kegel exercises if you: Leak a few drops of urine while...
Pesticides accumulate!
If you suffer from any digestive, hormonal, autoimmune or inflammatory imbalances, here are 10 things you can do TODAY to start to heal your body: 1. Start your day with a quart of warm lemon water 2. Start eating organic 3. Stop eating refined sugar 4. Take a...
Why do we need 1/2 our weight in water in ounces daily?
Why do we need 1/2 our weight in water in ounces daily? 1. Water carries our nutrients and blood to every single organ and gland including skin. 2. Each organ needs water and the colon needs the most. To keep your bowels hydrated, moving, clearing out toxic waste....
Don’t cook with olive oil??
Refined oils are the one thing EVERYONE eats. Carnivores, omnivores, vegans, vegetarians...refined oils! They oxidize right from the moment they are extracted. And most are totally rancid as they sit on the counter by your stove. Major liver congestor and adds to...
I’ve got 99 problems and magnesium solved like 98 of them….
The Magic of Magnesium and the Connection to Progesterone In the vast realm of minerals, few shine as brightly as magnesium. Often overlooked but indispensable, magnesium plays a pivotal role in numerous biochemical processes within the human body. From aiding in...
Anxiety is not in your head, it’s in your gut
Remember having tummy aches as a child when you were upset? Children with chronic stomach pain may actually be suffering from anxiety and depression. Scores of children and adolescents -- nearly one in four -- have chronic stomach pain, writes researcher John V....
Your Gut Contains 75% of Your Immune System!
Are you that person that can’t fight colds and flus? You have chronic allergies and just never made the connection between your gut health and these problems? That was me my whole young life, I would struggle to keep my eyes open throughout the day, bloat whenever I...
Anti-biotic Resistance
“The overuse of antibiotics in farming has been highlighted as one of the biggest emerging threats to human health, spreading resistance to vital drugs and endangering millions of lives. Antibiotics used on farms can spill over into the surrounding environment, for...
Never take a pill that has more side effects than you have symptoms.
“Nearly 60 to 70 percent of us take at least one prescribed drug, depending upon the estimate; for many it amounts to a fistful, potpourri of pills per day. Meanwhile, new drug approvals have reached a 19-year high. It’s a mark cheered notably for the swift minting of...
Progesterone Therapy
Most people think of pregnancy when they hear the word 'progesterone', but progesterone is far more important that just the magical hormone that makes the baby "stick". Without adequate progesterone, we cannot properly produce testosterone, cortisol or estrogen. And...
The Benefits Of Castor Packs
When most people hear the words "Castor Oil", it brings to mind grandmas' remedy for constipation. A 2011 study in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, did show that it had a positive effect on people suffering from constipation, but how the castor...
Will My Probiotics Work Without Prebiotics?
Since the beginning of man, we've known that humans acquired beneficial bacteria from the foods growing in soil that had high bacterial counts and when man discovered fermentation as a way to preserve foods, the fermentation process increased this bacterial...
The bugs in you will save your life! If you let them.
Never has it ever been as important as it is TODAY to understand how to support, feed, nourish, heal your micro biome. You are 90% bacteria and 10% human. THEY RUN THE SHOW! And if you don't know how to help facilitate the production of that show you...
Why Gut Health is Important to your Well Being
My interview w/Nylon Magazine: - How does our gut health affect our bodies as a whole (skin, weight, mood, etc.)? Our immune system is primarily run by out gut or our enteric nervous system. The microbes or beneficial bacteria in our gut are in charge of many tasks...
038 – JAR of Hope, the story of a young hero
Join Catalina Martone and James Raffone as he shares with us his painful and passionate journey of his sons struggle of the incurable disease Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. And learn of the surprising similarities of the health struggles we all share with his son....
Mineral imbalance is at the root of ALL illness!
Many of you are probably saying to yourself, BUT I THOUGHT POOR DIGESTION was at the root of all illness. You are correct. They both are. If your gut is not healthy you cannot absorb the nutrients from your food or all of your fancy supplements you are...

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