
Sleep Hygiene

"Beauty Rest" is certainly a coveted thing as we age. Who doesn't long for the days when 'nap time' was part of the daily routine? The more rested we are the better we tend to look, however, getting a full nights rest is so much more profound than just beauty.  And...

Do your microbes make decisions for you?

The science is in! 99% + of all metabolic function in the body is coded for BY MICROBES!!! You have 150x more microbial DNA than human DNA. That means you aren’t your genes!!! You aren’t a victim to your genetic predispositions. Read that one more time.  That means...

Pesticides accumulate!

If you suffer from any digestive, hormonal, autoimmune or inflammatory imbalances, here are 10 things you can do TODAY to start to heal your body: 1. Start your day with a quart of warm lemon water  2. Start eating organic  3. Stop eating refined sugar  4. Take a...

Don’t cook with olive oil??

Refined oils are the one thing EVERYONE eats. Carnivores, omnivores, vegans, vegetarians...refined oils! They oxidize right from the moment they are extracted. And most are totally rancid as they sit on the counter by your stove. Major liver congestor and adds to...

Anxiety is not in your head, it’s in your gut

Remember having tummy aches as a child when you were upset? Children with chronic stomach pain may actually be suffering from anxiety and depression. Scores of children and adolescents -- nearly one in four -- have chronic stomach pain, writes researcher John V....

Your Gut Contains 75% of Your Immune System!

Are you that person that can’t fight colds and flus? You have chronic allergies and just never made the connection between your gut health and these problems? That was me my whole young life, I would struggle to keep my eyes open throughout the day, bloat whenever I...

Anti-biotic Resistance

“The overuse of antibiotics in farming has been highlighted as one of the biggest emerging threats to human health, spreading resistance to vital drugs and endangering millions of lives. Antibiotics used on farms can spill over into the surrounding environment, for...

Progesterone Therapy

Most people think of pregnancy when they hear the word 'progesterone', but progesterone is far more important that just the magical hormone that makes the baby "stick". Without adequate progesterone, we cannot properly produce testosterone, cortisol or estrogen. And...

The Benefits Of Castor Packs

  When most people hear the words "Castor Oil", it brings to mind grandmas' remedy for constipation.  A 2011 study in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, did show that it had a positive effect on people suffering from constipation, but how the castor...

Will My Probiotics Work Without Prebiotics?

Will My Probiotics Work Without Prebiotics?

  Since the beginning of man, we've known that humans acquired beneficial bacteria from the foods growing in soil that had high bacterial counts and when man discovered fermentation as a way to preserve foods, the fermentation process increased this bacterial...

Mineral imbalance is at the root of ALL illness!

Mineral imbalance is at the root of ALL illness!

    Many of you are probably saying to yourself, BUT I THOUGHT POOR DIGESTION was at the root of all illness. You are correct. They both are. If your gut is not healthy you cannot absorb the nutrients from your food or all of your fancy supplements you are...


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